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Elevate content creation, optimize your SEO strategy, and unlock new opportunities for growth with Content Core. Experience the power of Authentic AI and revolutionize your publishing efforts with this powerful and versatile solution.

Here’s an overview of some of Content Core’s powerful features:

  1. Intuitive User Interface: Content Core boasts a user-friendly interface, making content generation effortless and efficient.
  2. Private AI Model: Train and operate your own private AI model with your curated content archive, ensuring authenticity and authority.
  3. Seamless CMS Integration: Integrate Content Core directly with your existing CMS, streamlining your content creation workflow.
  4. Automated Content Feeding: New content is automatically fed into the AI model, keeping it up-to-date and relevant.
  5. One-Click Draft Publication: Push article and page drafts to your CMS with a single click, expediting the publishing process.
  6. Periodic Draft Publication: Schedule drafts to be periodically pushed to your CMS following a customized Content Formula, saving time and effort.
  7. Scalable Model Training: Content Core adapts to your content volume, efficiently working from 1,000 articles on one topic to 10,000 articles on multiple topics. Tested up to 1 million articles, with potential for even larger archives.
  8. Enriched Output: Enjoy the enhanced output with structured data and WordProof’s provenance technology, elevating your content’s trustworthiness.
  9. Internal Backlinking: Trace the sources that led to the output, ensuring full transparency and a solid foundation for your content.
  10. Standards Integration: Seamlessly integrate with Adobe CAI (Content Authenticity Initiative) and (Structured Data), ensuring successful implementation of Google E-E-A-T guidelines.
  11. Enhanced SEO Performance: Leverage Content Core’s AI-driven content optimization to boost your website’s SEO performance and attract organic traffic.
  12. Complete Content Formula: With Content Core, implement a complete Content Formula tailored to your specific needs and goals.
  13. Tailored Content Recommendations: Receive personalized content recommendations that align with your organization’s unique tone of voice and style.
  14. Ownership and Licensing Control: Assert ownership over your content and control licensing terms for potential monetization opportunities.
  15. Trusted Content Source: Be a trusted and authoritative source of information, earning credibility and reliability with your audience.
  16. Future-Proof Technology: Stay ahead in the ever-evolving digital landscape with Content Core’s cutting-edge technology.

Trust Content Core to deliver strategic, trustworthy, and authentic content generation, tailored to your organization’s unique needs. Embrace the future of content creation and drive your success with Content Core by WordProof and partners.